Children and Family Treatment and Support Services (CFTSS)
An array of services that are designed to meet the individual needs of children and their families by identifying mental health needs early; providing support in the home and community; and preventing the need for emergency room visits, hospital stays or out of home placements. These services can be provided in the home, school or in the community. Referrals can be made by parents, teachers, service providers, caregivers, etc.
- Services Available:
Individual, Group or Family Therapy; Psycho-Social Rehabilitation Services; Family Peer Support; Youth Peer Support
- Eligibility:
Children and Youth under age 21, who are covered by Medicaid and have mental health needs
- Payment:
SHINE: Sharing Hope and Inspiring New Energy
Provides intensive case management services to youth (and their family) currently involved with DSS or Probation due to PINS/JD behaviors. Services work to: prevent initial placement, re-placement or decrease the length of stay in placement for a quicker return home; reduce court involvement; improve family functioning (supervision, structure, relationships, conflict resolution); improve school attendence and performance; and to increase families' supports.
Youth and their family work with an Intensive Family Worker for up to 18 months. They will recieve an array of services including: integration back to their home and community; Intensive In-Home coaching; Parent Support and Education; Skill Building; Crisis Response; Monitoring and Advocacy; Coordination of services and referrals to additional services as needed.
SHINE is able to work with clients (and their parents) while they are in placement, inclduing making visits to and coordinating with placement facilities, and can assist with preparing/planning for discharge and the transition home.
- Eligibility
Referrals come from DSS or Probation